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No-Drip Transparent Surface Cleaner

Celeste’s Transparent Surface Cleaner is a spray cleaner specifically designed for effective, streak-free cleaning of glass, mirrors and clear plastics. Designed to evaporate quickly, this formulation meets Boeing D6-7127M, AMS 1534B and 1535C requirements, and does not contain VOCs.

Unlike other glass cleaners, Celeste’s Transparent Surface Cleaner is both alcohol and solvent free. The unique, no-drip formulation allows it to be sprayed onto any vertical surface without dripping into crevices or onto flooring, and without overspray, thus eliminating excess waste.

Celeste Transparent Surface Cleaner is a perfect complement to Aerospace Lens Wipes and Celeste Sani-Com wipes, both for cockpit use.

Alcohol & solvent free
Contains no VOC’s
Meets AMS 1534B and 1535C requirements
Safe on glass, clear plastics and all cockpit surfaces, including rubber
Streak free
Evaporates quickly
Odor free

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