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Potable Water System Cleaner & Disinfectant

Glyco-San is a specially formulated, biodegradable, non-corrosive cleaner and EPA registered disinfectant that removes scale and organic buildup typically found in potable water tanks, lines and automatic coffee maker systems.

Glyco-San's active ingredient is a low-toxicity acid that occurs naturally and is one of the safest antimicrobial agents from both a human health and environmental perspective. When coupled with Celeste's proprietary blend of surfactants, Glyco-San penetrates the multiple layers that form the scale that harbors biofilm and bacteria, lifting them away from the walls of the system for a thorough cleaning and disinfection. Glyco-San then emulsifies the lifted layers allowing them to solubilize in water.

Glyco-San’s proprietary blend of organic acids and surfactants is designed to penetrate – rather than dissolve – the multiple layers that form scale and biofilm and to lift them away from the walls of the system for a thorough clean. Glyco-San then emulsifies the lifted layers, allowing them to solubilize in water.

Unlike other cleaners, Glyco-San is safe to use, can be disposed into sewer systems in accordance with local regulations, is non-corrosive, and has no odor. Regularly scheduled cleaning with Glyco-San will minimize hard water scale buildup.

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